Cognitive distortions

Today I want to play smart but don’t worry I won’t let you get lost in an unfamiliar vocab. I’ll do my best to break it down into simple terms and literally draw you a map to stay tuned. 
Let’s talk about cognitive distortions

Cognitive distortions
The dangers of winning for novices

If you entered the market for the first time and luck is magically on your side, that ain’t a good sign at all. Do you wanna know why?

no nerve trading
Market Manipulation Schemes & The Risks of Short Selling

First things first, a little scam alert for ya: nothing stays buried forever. But mostly, anything ditched, eventually comes out. And when it does, you won’t be pleased with a manipulation that directly affects your deposit. 
how these things work, and how to avoid them from happening to you.

Trend Trading

If it’s your first time registering on the stock exchange, then trend trading will be a good warm-up for your fingers on the trading terminal.

How Money Got Free

like a toothpaste you can’t put back into the tube. Central banks and payment processors have no choice but to understand, accept and befriend it. 
It is the main idea of ​​a fascinating book written by Brian Patrick Eha: ‘How Money Got Free: Bitcoin and the Fight for the Future of Finance’.